Leadworship Workshop

Eight members of our worship team are having the opportunity to take in some special worship leadership training this weekend led by Paul Baloche. He is the songwriter of such songs as Open the Eyes of My Heart and Hosanna. We were invited to come early for his band’s rehearsal and sound check before this evening’s concert, giving us the opportunity to observe the musicians and techs work together to ensure a worshipful experience happened tonight.

Baloche talks to sound tech during rehearsal

Baloche is not as much a performer as he is a practitioner of worship, serving for over 20 years as a worship pastor in his Texas church. I have appreciated his giving spirit as his website has a number of free resources to aid worship leaders in learning and sharing his songs. I’m grateful for the great resources God has given us to engage in worship and develop our gifts, enabling us to more effectively lead others to the Throne Room of God.