Weekly Photo Challenge: Foreshadow

WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Foreshadow:  – from Krista

100E0458The joy of being a grandparent is seeing the budding of a new generation. With two granddaughters and another on the way, we enjoy watching the cycle of life repeat itself. As much as babies and toddlers depend upon adults, it is always fascinating to see how intrigued they are by one another.

100E0460 My foreshadow pictures are of my granddaughter and friend, who adore one another. In fact, Daniel, a year older than Georgia and living about three hours away, tells his mother that he misses her. Their mothers joke about them being married one day, with Daniel’s mom wanting to work out a betrothal agreement. Will they? Time will tell, but I hope these pictures represent the foreshadowing of a loving marriage to come in both of their futures.

“But at the beginning of creation, God ‘made them male and female.’ (Genesis 1:27) ‘That’s why a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife. The two of them will become one.’ (Genesis 2:24) They are no longer two, but one. So a man must not separate what God has joined together.”    Mark 10:6-9 (NIRV)

25 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Foreshadow

    • Agreed, Tina…we want them to wait until an appropriate age! However, my older granddaughter (age 3) is already talking marriage with her best friend, Parker. The other day she wanted some flowers for her and “Parper’s” wedding. I think the fixation comes from having recently been a flower girl in her aunt’s wedding.


  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Foreshadow (thunderstorm) | What's (in) the picture?

  2. An adorable snapshot. The romantic in me really want them to marry and live happily ever after. It’s why I like cheesy songs like Best Friend by Jason Chen which tells the story of best friends since 10 years old falling in love later in life.


  3. Pingback: Photo Project ’52 Bolivian Sundays’ [week 31, 'Foreshadow']. | 3rdculturechildren

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